Westbound Algonquin Road traffic is scheduled to be shifted to the new pavement on the north side of the road[...]
Project Update – 10/20/2020
Work completed last week: Randall Rd – southbound traffic was moved onto the new pavement from Bunker Hill to Harnish[...]
Randall Lane Shift
During the week of 10/12/20 southbound Randall Road traffic will be shifted to the new pavement from Bunker Hill to[...]
Project Update – 10/02/2020
Work completed last week: Randall Rd Concrete temporary pavement placement for the remainder of section south of Bunker Hill Dr.[...]
Project Update 09/18/2020
Work completed last week: Randall Rd Concrete pavement placement for the turn lanes south of Bunker Hill Dr. was completed[...]
Overnight Pavement Milling to Occur on Randall Rd.
Pavement milling will be taking place on Randall Road during the following times: Thursday 9/3 to Friday 9/4: 7:00pm –[...]
Commercial Business Entrances to Open on Randall
Beginning on September 2nd, several commercial business entrances will be opened along the westside of Randall Rd. CLICK HERE TO[...]
Randall Lane Shift Visualization Video
On Wednesday, September 2nd all Randall Road traffic will be shifted to the new pavement between Bunker Hill Dr. and[...]
Several lane closures and a traffic shift scheduled for next week on Randall Road
Several lane closures and a traffic shift are scheduled for next week on Randall Road. Monday, August 31st : A[...]
Project Update 8/26/2020
Work last week: Randall Rd: Completed the poured-in-place end of the pedestrian underpass. Continued forming and pouring the walls leading[...]