After the staging of the northbound traffic to the outside northbound lanes, the contractor began completing the remaining left-turn lanes, intersection pavement, and started on the preparations for the medians on Randall Road. 

Work that has been completed includes temporary pavement that was in place where the median is to be placed was removed,  and the stone base graded in preparation for the median installations. Curb & gutter and median noses were installed at various locations. The railing along the northbound wall installation was completed. Traffic signal detection devices were aimed for signal activations. Topsoil, seeding, and erosion control blanket were installed at various locations, including at the new pedestrian underpass.

Upcoming work includes the contractor will continue to grade and prepare the remaining left-turn lanes, median curb & gutter, median noses, and pour. Topsoil will begin to be placed in the medians, followed by seeding and blanket placement. Permanent street signs will be installed in the coming weeks. The final layer of Hot Mix Asphalt surface placement is scheduled on side streets within 2-3 weeks. The electrical connections and installations continueas well as general cleanup of the site. 

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