Work last week:

Randall Rd: 

  • Completed the poured-in-place end of the pedestrian underpass. Continued forming and pouring the walls leading to the west side of the underpass.
    CLICK HERE to watch a quick Sneak Peek video of the Pedestrian Underpass.
  • Graded the stone base from Bunker Hill Dr. to Harnish Dr. for preparation of concrete pavement placement.
  • Continued installation of sidewalk along the west side of Randall Rd.
  • Placed topsoil to start the landscaping on the west side from Algonquin Rd to north project limit.
  • Continued installation of traffic signal and street light items.


Algonquin Rd:

  • Continued pouring concrete pavement for turn lanes, intersections.
  • Continued work on curb and gutter and driveway installations.
  • Continued installation of traffic signals and street lights items.


Upcoming Work:

Randall Rd: 

  • Continue forming and pouring the walls leading to the west side of the underpass.
  • Pour pavement from Bunker Hill Dr. to Harnish Dr.
  • Continue installation of sidewalk along the west side of Randall Rd, Algonquin Rd to Bunker Hill Dr.
  • Place topsoil to start the landscaping on the west side, Algonquin Rd to Bunker Hill Dr.
  • Install traffic signal and street light items.
  • Install temporary pavement Bunker Hill Dr. to north of Polaris Dr. in preparation for switching traffic to the new pavement, which is planned for the week of August 31.


Algonquin Rd:

  • Continue pouring concrete pavement for turn lanes, intersections.
  • Work on curb and gutter and driveway installations.
  • Install infrastructure for street lights and traffic signals.


Side streets: Crystal Lake Rd, switch traffic to new lane to allow for the completion of the intersection pavement.  Bunker Hill Dr., excavate and place aggregate base.

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