Q: What is the purpose of the Randall Road corridor project?
A: Randall Road is severely congested, has inconsistent access to businesses, and lacks pedestrian/bicycle access prompting safety and accident concerns. The project improvements address these issues and will enhance the efficiency of the corridor.
Q: What factors went into determining the best design?
A: A myriad of different options were evaluated during the early engineering process. At the Randall Road / Algonquin Road intersection, options evaluated even included a grade-separated interchange. For the project overall, traffic operation, safety, right-of-way needs, economic impacts, accesses to businesses, future maintenance costs as well as actual construction costs were factors used to develop the final plan.
Q: What specifically is happening at the Randall and Miller intersection?
A: The improved intersection will include additional traffic lanes and left turn lanes, as well as right turn lanes. At the intersection with Miller Road, Randall Road will have three through lanes in each direction, double left turn lanes northbound a single left turn/U turn lane southbound, and a right turn lane in each direction. Miller Road will consist of 1 through lane, a left and a right turn lane.
Q: How long will construction take?
A: Construction is expected to start in Fall 2024 and will continue through 2027. During this time two lanes in each direction will be maintained, with some lane closures occurring mostly in the pre-stage work. Depending on the weather, the contractor will be allowed to work through the winter months if they choose. Please see the estimated schedule of work HERE.
Q: How much is the project going to cost?
A: Plote Construction, Inc. of Hoffman Estates, IL recently submitted the low bid for the construction at $45,891,418.73.
Q: How will the improvements be funded?
A: There are two general funding sources being utilized for this project. Federal Funds have been secured for 80% of the costs and the remaining 20% will utilize McHenry County Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) funds. Plote Construction, Inc./Dunnet Bay Construction Joint Venture recently submitted the low bid for the project construction at $63,438,828.19.
Q: Will this project increase my property taxes?
A: No. Funding for this project will be using 80% federal funds and 20% County RTA funds.
Q: Will access within the project limits change?
A: Access will be provided to all properties during construction. There will be times that some streets will be temporarily closed while construction activities occur. Advance coordination before these closures will be made and the public alerted to these temporary changes. This project website will contain updated information and project email updates will be provided to anyone who chooses to sign up for information. Sign up HERE
Village Road and Angela Lane will only be accessible from southbound Randall Road when construction is completed.
Q: Will access for pedestrians/non-motorized users be maintained?
A: Access will be maintained during construction whenever possible. Signage and temporary access will be placed and maintained to allow continued use of current crossings.
Q: What new features will be included in the reconstruction?
A: Traffic signals and street lighting will be more energy efficient with the use of LED fixtures. Upgraded control systems will regulate the timing of the signals and the lighting providing greater efficiency and safety.
A new multi-use path is being installed along the east side of Randall Road to allow safe use and travel of the area by pedestrians and other non-motorized users. A 5’ wide sidewalk will be installed along the west side of Randall Road, again increasing the access and safety for pedestrians in the area. Designated crosswalks will be installed at side street intersections as well as the following crossings of Randall Road: @Miller Rd, @Alexandra Blvd.
Retaining walls will be constructed along both sides of Randall Road from Woods Creek to Miller Rd. to support the widened roadway section. These walls will be founded on a timber (wood) piling foundation.
The intersection of Alexandra Blvd. will have a new traffic signal.
Q: Will the new traffic signals be synchronized in a way to maximize traffic flow?
A: The traffic signals along Randall Road from Acorn/Polaris to McHenry Ave. will be interconnected to allow them to “talk” and maximize traffic flows. They will also be synchronized with Stage 1 traffic improvements. The new interconnection should allow for smoother travels through the area.
Q: How can I get more info?
A: Receive more info by signing up for regular updates and periodically visiting this website. Sign up for updates HERE.
Q: Will there be any detours?
A: Yes, there will be detours that will occur for Miller Road during part of the project. This information will be shared with the public and posted on the website.