The McHenry County Division of Transportation identified the Randall Road Improvements as one of the key projects needed to relieve congestion in this heavily traveled north/south corridor of the County. The existing road is congested, and traffic volumes are higher than the facility was designed to carry. In addition, the existing road cannot accommodate the traffic to sustain the economic viability and regional mobility in the Algonquin/Crystal Lake/Lake in the Hills area. Phase III: Stage 1 of the Randall Road Improvements project has been completed, addressing congestion and traffic flow from Harnish Drive to Polaris Drive/Acorn Lane. With that Stage completed, the project now moves into Phase III: Stage 2 Construction, focusing on improvements from the Polaris Drive/Acorn Lane intersection north to McHenry Ave.
IN PROGRESS: Phase III: Stage 2 Construction began in March 2025.
The project will include:
- Randall Road will be widened to provide three through lanes in each direction. Dual left turn lanes northbound at Miller Road and a single left turn southbound at Miller
- A new signal will be installed at Randall Road and Alexandra Blvd.
- The cross streets at the signalized intersection will be widened as well to allow vehicles to enter Randall Road more efficiently.
- Miller Road at Randall Road will have one left turn lane, one through travel lane, and a right turn lane on both legs of the intersection
- The tributary to Woods Creek will be rerouted to the west side of Randall Road. A new bridge will be constructed for the tributary to pass beneath Miller Road.
- The existing Randall Road bridge over Woods Creek will be replaced to accommodate the new widened roadway.
- A new multi-use path (8-10 ft. wide) along the east side of Randall Road will be installed
- A new sidewalk along the west side of Randall Road will be installed
- A new decorative concrete noise wall will be installed on the east side of Randall Road from Woods Creek to Miller Rd and from Miller Rd. to Roosevelt St.
Stage 2 construction will occur through 2027.
There are two general funding sources being utilized for this Stage 2. Federal Funds have been secured for 80% of the costs and the remaining 20% will utilize State MFT funds. Plote Construction, Inc./Dunnet Bay Construction Joint Venture recently submitted the low bid for the project construction at $63,438,828.19.
COMPLETED: Phase II: Design began in 2014 and provided the details needed to move forward and allow final construction drawings to be prepared. One of the first tasks was to refine the design and configuration of the Randall Road/Algonquin Road intersection. In September 2014, the County Board passed a Resolution adopting a conventional intersection design as the preferred alternative for the Randall Road at Algonquin Road Intersection for the Randall Road Project. During 2016 and 2017, the County negotiated and acquired right-of-way. The County has also been working with utility companies to relocate their facilities/lines prior to construction. For additional information on Phase II Design CLICK HERE.
COMPLETED: Phase I: Planning was completed and approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration in 2013. Phase I determined the types of changes needed to improve the approximately 3.5 miles between Ackman Road and County Line Road. During Phase 1, multiple options were studied for the corridor and four alternatives were considered for the Randall Rd./Algonquin Rd. intersection. For additional information on Phase I Planning CLICK HERE.